Rhinoplasty in karachi
Rhinoplasty or rhinoplasty in Karachi, Pakistan is one of the most common of all plastic surgery procedures. Nose surgery in Pakistan can reduce or increase the size of the nose, change the shape of the tip or leg, narrow the nostrils, or change the angle between the nose and upper lip. Reshapes cartilage, bones, and sometimes soft tissue in the nose. If you feel you have unattractive bumps and bumps on your nose, you can make an appointment with Dr. faisal akhlaq Karachi, Pakistan to discuss possible options for recontouring your nose. Nose or rhinoplasty in Pakistan is a cosmetic surgery, but it can also help correct structural defects in the nose that can cause snoring or even breathing problems.
Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?
Here are some signs that could be good candidates for rhinoplasty:
There are bumps on the nasal legs when viewed in profile.
The nose looks too wide when viewed from the front
Sagging or dropping of the tip of the nasal cavity
The tip has become thicker or larger.
Excessive nostril opening
The nose is off-center or bent.
Nose asymmetry due to previous injury
It is important to have a clear idea of how you want your nose to look and at the same time be aware that there are limitations to the procedure. Patients with sufficient physical and emotional maturity who undergo rhinoplasty who want to enhance their image are usually very satisfied with their decisions. If you are interested in these additional procedures, your plastic surgeon may provide additional information.
How do plastic surgeons rate me for a rhinoplasty?
You must come to a consultation prepared to discuss your medical history
This includes information about any medical condition you may have.
Treatment previously received
Previous surgery including repair of nose injuries
Drugs you are currently taking
Your plastic surgeon may ask if you have difficulty breathing through your nose.
Suffering from allergies that can cause nasal congestion
Do you use nasal spray chronically?
When evaluating your rhinoplasty, the plastic surgeon will do a routine, painless examination of your internal nasal structure
Carefully study the quality of the skin, the size and shape of the nose, and its relationship to other facial features.
In some cases, a plastic surgeon may recommend surgery to make the jaw somewhat noticeable to improve facial balance. This procedure can be performed simultaneously with rhinoplasty.
What Does Nose Plastic Surgery Include?
The skin of the nose is separated from the supporting bones and cartilage and sculpted into the desired shape using a technique determined by the doctor.
The bones and cartilage in the nose are changed to the desired shape, and the skin provides the most pleasing results.
Since most of the surgery is done internally, there are very few visible scars after rhinoplasty surgery.
How long does nose plastic surgery take?
This procedure requires you to spend the night in the hospital, but sometimes only the tip of the nose needs to be corrected slightly.
Same day return possible
Rhinoplasty usually takes 1 to 2 hours
What Can You Expect From A Rhinoplasty In Pakistan?
Your expectations should be realistic
Day by day, your nose starts to look better and you can expect a nose that is natural and harmoniously blends with other facial features.
The vast majority of patients undergoing rhinoplasty have increased confidence in the improvement of their body image.
What happens during the recovery period?
During the first 24 hours after surgery, your face may swell and your nose may sore, but prescribed pain relievers can control it.
There are bruises and swelling around the eyes that last for 2-3 weeks.
Slight bleeding is common early after surgery, and you may be asked not to blow your nose for a week or so to allow the tissue to heal.
All dressings, splints, and stitches must be removed by the end of the week.
Violent activities that do not come into contact with sports for 6 weeks for 2-3 weeks should be avoided.
You will have frequent follow-up visits during the months after surgery to check your progress.
also read Nose job in karachi
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