Breast Augmentation cost in karachi

 Breast augmentation in Karachi, Pakistan

EPS Clinic in Pakistan provides results that ensure world-class breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation is also known as augmentation mammography using silicone or saline implants, but silicone implants are more viscous than saline breast implants to help patients get a richer breast experience or restore lost breast volume after shrinking. Weight or pregnancy. If you are not satisfied with your breast size, you may opt for breast augmentation surgery, including breast augmentation or breast augmentation. This procedure improves the shape and shape of the breast. We offer breast augmentation surgery at low cost in Karachi, Pakistan.

Breast augmentation is performed by patients who want to improve their body shape balance and increase their confidence and image. Enlarged mammography is the process of using implants to help patients achieve a more complete look after pregnancy or weight loss, or to recover lost breast volume. Breast implants are used for breast reconstruction after an injury or mastectomy.

What types of breast implants can be used?

A breast implant is a prosthesis placed on the breast to reshape, change or enlarge the size of the breast. Common breast implant types include:

Pakistan breast augmentation


– Saline implant

This type of implant is filled with saline solution in an elastic silicone shell. The amount of saline in this shell varies and determines the look, feel, and firmness of the breast.

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